Course Outline

Database Development

  • Recapping the basic principles behind relational databases
    • Concepts and terminology     
  • Retrieving data using the SELECT statement
  • Using simple and more complex JOINS to retrieve data from multiple tables
    • SELF, INNER and OUTER joins
  • Restricting and sorting data, conditional expressions
    • Single row functions: string, date and time manipulation
    • IF-THEN-ELSE statements
  • Conversion of data between types
  • Creating aggregated reports
  • Using correlated and uncorrelated subqueries in SELECT statements
  • Retrieving and manipulating data using subqueries
  • Running Data Manipulation Statements in Oracle to manage database transactions
  • Query optimisation and efficiency

Database Management

  • The Oracle Data Dictionary: introduction and usage
  • Creating views, indexes, constraints and synonyms
  • Controlling and revoking user access to schema objects (tables, views)
  • Managing indexes and constraints
 35 Hours

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Price per participant

Testimonials (5)

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